SpiralSynthModular is an object orientated music studio with an emphasis on live use. You can use it in a fairly straight forward way to make tracks with, or get very experimental. Audio or control data can be freely passed between the plugins. Data can also be fed back on itself for chaotic effects.
SpiralSynthModular is not under active development. You can give a try to Om if you want.
You can dowload SpiralSynthModular here. However I advise you to work with the last CVS version.
$ cvs -d:pserver:anonymous@spiralmodular.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/spiralmodular login $ cvs -z3 -d:pserver:anonymous@spiralmodular.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/spiralmodular co -P ssm
Then build it with[1]:
$ ./autogen.sh --prefix=/usr $ make $ su -c "make install"
[1] | Note that if you use a x86_64 arch you will need to apply a patch in order to have LADSPA plugins working.
$ cd ssm/SpiralSound/Plugins/LADSPAPlugin/ $ wget http://www.esaracco.fr/downloads/LADSPAInfo.C.patch $ patch LADSPAInfo.C LADSPAInfo.C.patch |